Kosova Anthropologica Indexed by DOAJ
We are happy to announce that Kosova Anthropologica has officially been indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)!
This step forward reflects our commitment to advancing open access to high-quality research in anthropology and related fields. Being indexed in DOAJ ensures greater visibility, discoverability, and accessibility of the valuable work contributed by our authors and collaborators.
We extend our gratitude to our editorial team, reviewers, and contributors who have worked tirelessly to maintain the journal's standards. We also thank our readers for their continuous support and engagement with the content we publish.
We invite researchers, students, and professionals to explore our articles on DOAJ and join us in fostering a community of knowledge-sharing. For more information, visit https://doaj.org/toc/3027-5024 - our published articles are listed there!
KA Team